Polly’s Brew Co – Does It Matter How Far? – 7.2%


IPA w/Citra, Mosaic, Centennial, Sabro

We're all about pushing our own boundaries here at Polly's HQ. Whilst 2020 was an awful year all around, it's allowed us to put our heads down and focus on making our pale and hoppy beers the best they can possibly be. Our favourite discovery of last year was easily our patented pyramid dry-hopping technique. Seeing as it would be our final packaged beer of the year, we figured we may as well see how far we can go with this technique, and have gone for four different varietals on this beer, as opposed to our usual two. A hearty 20kg addition of Citra is followed up by 15kg, 10kg and 5kg of Mosaic, Centennial and Sabro respectively to accentuate each individual flavour profile on this amped up, maxed out, juice-fest of an IPA, with just the faintest touch of bitterness to keep things in check.

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