Carnival – Together Tomorrow Forever – 6.6%


Black IPA collab w/Furst Wiacek for Thee Oh Sees

80SRMAN ODD ENTRANCES:Brewed from obsession and love of OSEES, Carnival Ade, Lukasz and Paul had THE DREAM.JPD said "Ah, sounds good to me!" Originally an idea conceived when Carnival Ade met Lukasz from Fuerst Wiacek at the Indy Man Festival in Victoria Baths. We got together to brew a Cascadian dark ale ready to DROP. We cranked up the 1210s, laid down the Osees back catalogue and brewed a west coast IPA and added just enough chocolate malts, and Sinamar to turn the IPA black, without any of the roasty flavours .A WEIRD EXITS: Then we massively dry hopped it with Chinook, Simcoe and Cascade to create a resinous, piney, pungent and delicious Cascadian dark. Artwork by legendary Paul Higgins. Canned at Carnival Brewing Co on 29th October.

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